Thursday, January 13, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011
Political Cartoon
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Metamorphosis Part 3
Maybe it was because it was a little description of his life. I think the thing that the author that wrote this book, Kafka, was trying to say Gregor was being used and his family barely cared anything about him. His father was abusing him for his own selfish gain. He was making Gregor work because supposedly he needed money to pay off a debt. When in fact, he already had more than enough money to pay it off and just making Gregor's life miserable.
I think he made him a bug because we (as humans) look down to bugs. We think they're dirty, they're unuseful, and most of all they don't do anything positive to the world. It would be bad if he used something that people liked because people would not understand it as much. It was a good book to use a cockroach to show that symbolism.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Metamorphosis Part 2
One of the Samsa's family bad things is how Gregor's father is treating him in his insect form. He thinks he's a whole different person! He doesn't try and communicate with him. He is treating him on how he looks like and has completely forgotten thats Gregor, his son, who is helping him pay off his debt! Like the time when he first saw Gregor in that form, what did he do? He kicked and shoved him back into his room to isolate him from the family. Not only did this hurt his body, but he also hurt his feelings. Another thing is how the rest of his family talks with each other! They also have different opinions on Gregor and they all don't seem to understand each other. For example, when Gregor's own mom wanted to see him his dad wouldn't allow it!
One of the good things that are happening to Gregor is how he gets treated by his sister. His sister does all the things the rest of her family should help with. She responds to Gregor's needs. Like the time she put milk for him to drink since she knows he loves milk... in his human form. However when he was a bug he hated it. So she put a bunch of moldy food and table scraps then Gregor flew to it and killed it!
Healthy family tips.
1. Keep each other informed on things so that they can help you. Not just to go to your room and be alone but talk about your problems.
2. Respond to other people's needs. If you notice something that they're fond of like putting extra sauce in their spaghetti, then take the extra step to do it.
3. Trust, trust, and MORE TRUST !
4. Make sure your being good and there's love between your relationships in your household
5. Be honest to your family. There should be nothing to hide.
I would give Gregor's family a D+ because they don't try and follow my beautiful rules! They're still intact as a family but still has a failing grade at it. I think the cause of this is Gregor's dad. He doesn't realize that his family are people too, with real feelings.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Metamorphosis Part 1
From Gregor's point of view, what might be be some positive aspects of his metamorphosis into an insect?
I think one of the greatest positive aspects is he can probably get money from the government for his "disability". He could have heightened senses, such as crawling on walls, seeing things in the dark, more touch sense with your antennas. You also will have different experiences then a normal person would.
You would probably have to go to special school, probably have to work as something special, and you would probably be tested on. That's not really a good thing though. I think you would have a bulletproof shell if you were a big cochroach. You probably would'nt have to work and you can just eat trash all day! But the bad thing is his life would be dull and boring. His family or a relative would have to take care of him. He would have to be a burden on everyone who takes care of him. I think there would be more negative aspects in being a cockroach than positive. He would have more of a bad life.
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